Thursday, June 30, 2011

Draft List the Second

Two weeks until I start. Still need 24 more things. Here's my list for now.

  1. Make 1001 paper boxes. Write something on each.
  2. Make 1001 paper stars
  3. Log progress in my 101 in 1001 blog on at least 505 days
  4. Start using calendar and whiteboard to organize and keep track of dates
  5. Take a non-school-related class
  6. Finish an assignment at least a week early (final editing is fine, so long as it's at my usual hand-in-ready-state a week early)
  7. Move out
  8. Keep my room clean for at least a month
  9. Clean out and organize my storage areas
  10. Weed my closet and/or drawers 11 times
  11. Gain 11 new outfits (at least half work-appropriate)
  12. Try out 11 new hairstyles
  13. Get hair to "classic" length
  14. Paint my nails 11 times 
  15. Floss daily for a month
  16. Weigh in at 125lbs
  17. Visit a spa
  18. Have/be in a stable relationship
  19. Have a steady income (career, fellowships, or otherwise XD)
  20. Have over $1221 in my TFSA (approx $1/day)
  21. Make $1001 from things I've made
  22. Donate $1001 in money/goods
  23. Do 101 hours of volunteer work
  24. Donate blood
  25. Participate in Operation Beautiful
  26. Be part of a flash mob
  27. Get an A on expert on at least one song in DDR
  28. Learn to ballroom dance
  29. Get my RCM Grade 6 piano
  30. Write a song
  31. Do an audition
  32. Perform onstage
  33. See performances in 25 venues
  34. Visit Europe
  35. Visit Japan
  36. Gain basic proficiency in a thrid language, or pass proficiency test in French
  37. Place 11 times in Brooklin Spring Fair homecrafts
  38. Make a website
  39. Complete 11 videogames
  40. Post 11 things on Youtube, get 101 hits on one
  41. Make a list of 101 inspirational/poignant quotes from geeky origins
  42. Have 101 digits of pi memorized
  43. Send out 101 letters/cards (snail mail!)
  44. Write and post 11 pieces of fiction (fanfic or original)
  45. Read [at least] 505 books
  46. Read [at least] 101 books I've never read before
  47. Read the bible
  48. Do Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone comparison
  49. Design S.P.E.W. badges/buttons and get them made
  50. Watch/read 101 different anime/manga series
  51. Workout on mini-trampoline to every episode of Hetalia
  52. Go to at least 11 DIFFERENT conventions
  53. Finish cosplays at least a week before a convention
  54. Win an award for cosplay
  55. Win something at Anime North
  56. Have a proper [solo?] photoshoot
  57. Make a [j-pop] dance-appropriate outfit
  58. Own a sewing machine and/or serger
  59. Own a [halfways-decent?] digital camera
  60. Take 1001 photos
  61. Get a mac (named Theo?)
  62. Own 11 teacups
  63. Drink 101 flavours of tea
  64. Try 11 new dessert recipes (at lesat half of which should be cake!)
  65. Bake a loaf of bread from scratch
  66. Make soup from scratch
  67. Keep a food diary for a month
  68. Grow something edible
  69. Buy vegetables from a farmer's market
  70. Have a proper birthday party with my friends
  71. Have a tea party 
  72. Have [high?] tea at every teahouse in Brooklin
  73. Prove that there is such a thing as a free lunch by having one
  74. Get my fortune told 
  75. Put flowers on Grandma & Aunt Phyl's graves
  76. Do personal horizons/collage workshop again, or get life coaching
  77. Make a visual bucket list. Use it regularly. 
  78. Write a letter to myself on day 0 to open on day 1001

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